Sunday, February 15, 2009


I watched David Chilton the other night, author of 'The Wealthy Barber' talk on CBC's The Hour. It brought back some memories because I bought my dad that book years ago. I read most of it and David had a really cool way with his characters in the book, the format of the book was just pretty easy going, almost an RRSP for dummies kind of format. Anyhow David talks about the economic state of North America and the rest of the world. A couple of years ago he was with a friend in Florida and they both saw this crisis coming! People were driving big cars and buying big home with credit they didn't really have. And the banks were giving credit to people with no jobs etc. In a nut shell, David expressed that we are all living beyond our means, 3,000-4,000 sq. ft. homes for some people, the big screen tv's and other big priced items. He explains that this is going to take 10-15 years to clear up...America is in the worst condition and that Canada is going to feel a lot of pain too. With all the negative buzz in the media, people are beginning to clamp down on spending and spend more time at home, which ironically makes things even worse for economic growth! Economies prevail when be spend the money we earn, but when we spend money that we don't have, this really set's us back as a nation. So what do we do? Well according to some experts, we are to balance life and become frugal, rather than frivilous. And Chilton apparently expressed that budgeting doesn't work, that the people he knew that did, where just boring and miserable people who just number crunched. We need to save! The idea behind savings is a form of condition, we need to physically apply a portion of our incomes to savings and make it a routine. Most people are applying all their earnings into debts on credit cards or delinquent lines of credits and they become slaves to the credit system...which is a growing problem in the Western world! That seems to be the current economic plague we are hearing about everyday.

Chilton jokes about how he still lives in a tiny house with no garage and that his Mother still does his laundry! Strange..considering his success?

Anyhow student's ask me about being a starving artist in today's economy, and I tell them to seek refuge in other opportunities that will bring wealth management. Perhaps taking on another job in a different field or industry, and continue with your passion? The above photo was taken for a company that specializes in demolitions and it defines a visual message. I thought about today's current environment, the restructuring of our economies and the changes that take place in peoples lives. There is so much syndication taking place on all of this depressing news lately, that it's leaving us drained. People are left with no energy, no interest, no care, we forget about what's important to us and ignorant to the things around us.

I think it's time we all re-think, re-structure and re-gain focus on what's true to maybe 'demo' some of the things in your life and start rebuilding back from ground up! A sort of lifestyle cleansing kind of regime.

Change is good!


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